This picture topped a blog I began after the collapse of an Occupation movement in 2011. I called that blog WOTS LEFT, straplined LOVE, EQUALITY, FREEDOM. At that time, I felt that predatory or parasitical banks were at the root of much global injustice, exploitation, inequality, war and, yes, climate change.With guidance from Ada, my wife, and help from her grandson I slapped gluey newspaper round a preformed pig, let it dry and painted it gold, Ada fashioned the rag doll and I touched up our planet on a ping-pong ball. We enjoyed that. But the pig and doll disappeared from the steps of St Pauls, and I'm still worryng about high finance ruling and wrecking the only world and life we've got. But now I'm less certain that bankers are altogether greedier or stupider than the rest of us. Except that today we face a more deadly combination of climate chaos, deeper inequality, a resurgent right and rampant capital that drives and feeds on the damage.
changed? Just more of the same but worse. And for me and some others perhaps,
it now all seems more pervasive and personal. Fault lines of of division, suspicion and meanness come home to roost. Opening up between families, within ourselves as much as anywhere, and the rot sets in - not always for the worst. That requires a new look at both human nature and the wider nature we spring from, reflect and depend upon. What's it all about? And that must also go for what we mean by love, when love can be love of the wrong things, right things in the wrong ways, or fed by hate for others..
Convection usually means the vertical circulation between hotter and cooler liquids or gases. That's a key dynamic in current climate change, and may also help us understand some vertical revolutions and displacements in human human society and within ourselves as pent up energy and impulse bubble up. 'They say the world is spinning around,
I say the world is upside down'
Convection usually means the vertical circulation between hotter and cooler liquids or gases. That's a key dynamic in current climate change, and may also help us understand some vertical revolutions and displacements in human human society and within ourselves as pent up energy and impulse bubble up. 'They say the world is spinning around,
I say the world is upside down'
Jimmy Cliff
on if you have the time. I will be looking out for chinks of light and green shoots as well as darker stuff. I'm still for more Freedom and Equality, but sometimes big words become over-used, misdirected and abused..I'll hang onto the LOVE, because we all want more of that in some way. But I will also try to dig deeper into what the word might mean, Doesn't loving our neighbours as ourselves, also require that we recognise and embrace the worst in both as well as the best?
updated word-list will now comprise Love, Labour, Language, Land
and...Games. Why games? Try this one: pick up those five marker words, stand them on end like dominoes, then arrange them in a circle like the signpost pillars in
Stone Henge. Then knock down and remould as horses on a round about. If you look them you can spot an inner ring and give them names, not horses of apocalypse but more friendly Common ones. Gee up Common people, Common land, Common sense, Common-as-muck (turn over, dig in), and Commonwealth, Why not, and easy as you go...